Our Tv Group is organized as a Corporation, that owns Broadcast Television Networks, Broadcast Radio Stations, Real Estate and sales products. Our Tv Group is majority owned by African Americans and the managing partners / owners of Broadcast and Radio stations within the Louisiana market.
The Company’s mission is to provide an avenue for the areas community to have content designed specifically to connect them to the positive aspects of their communities and give them a voice, a diverse voice, in the affairs of their cities through core programming.
Our Tv Group/Our Tv Network supplies a partnership of programming that includes original programming and major TV network programming in the U.S. , also providing content with its sub digital stations, and our radio stations.
Our TV Group/Our TV Network is focused on delivering content that can be enjoyed by the whole family, and also will have content whose basis will vary. OTG/OTN will demonstrate that the programming selected is desired by a significant niche in the market and that the providers of the content can be extremely profitable.
Our Tv believes that through this foundation, the other stages of Our Tv strategic plan can be realized including the upgrade of the stages digital signals, the production of the proprietary content, management for its team members, and product placement for the artist attached to the brain.
Ron J. Nelson
Louisiana Central HUB.
Texas, Nevada, California, Arkansas, Massachusetts